Question zakat
1: What is the legal definition of Zakat? Answer: Owner of a particular
property to a person entitled to Zakat with certain conditions
Question 2 : What is the legal definition of Zakat? Answer: To make a person entitled to Zakat the owner of a particular property with certain conditions.
Q 3 Question: How much gold is Zakat obligatory? Answer: Seven and a half tola or more (while I do not have any other Zakat property with me).
: How much silver is Zakat obligatory? Answer: One and a half tola or more.
Question: How much money is Zakat obligatory? Answer: Its value is equal to one and a half tola of silver.
Q6: How much?
Zakat is obligatory when it comes to trade goods? Answer: Its value is equal to one and a half tola of silver.
Question: If there is some gold, there is some silver, or there is some gold, there is some cash, or there is some silver, there is some merchandise, if you look at them together, it becomes worth two and a half tons of silver, then Zakat is obligatory or no? Answer: It is obligatory. Q8: Is Zakat obligatory on grazing cattle or not? Answer: It is obligatory.
Q9: Is Zakat obligatory on the production of tithe land or not? Answer: It is obligatory.
Question: A person with a syllabus has an income of Rs. 5,000 in a year. Will the same Rs. Answer: will be included.
Q 11
Question: An industrialist has two types of goods, one is raw material, which is used in the manufacture of things, and the other is manufactured goods, Zakat is obligatory on these two types of goods or not? Answer: It is obligatory.
Q12: Is Zakat obligatory on machinery and other things by which goods are manufactured? Answer: It is not obligatory.
Q13: Is there Zakat on used jewelry or not? Answer: Zakat.
Q14: Will Zakat be deducted on the basis of English months or on the basis of Hijri (lunar) months? Answer: It will be calculated according to the lunar months.
Q15: If the plot was taken with the intention of making a profit by selling it, will Zakat be obligatory on it or not? Answer: It will be obligatory.
Q 11
Question: An industrialist has two types of goods, one is raw material, which is used in the manufacture of things, and the other is manufactured goods, Zakat is obligatory on these two types of goods or not? Answer: It is obligatory.
Q12: Is Zakat obligatory on machinery and other things by which goods are manufactured? Answer: It is not obligatory.
Q13: Is there Zakat on used jewelry or not? Answer: Zakat.
Q14: Will Zakat be deducted on the basis of English months or on the basis of Hijri (lunar) months? Answer: It will be calculated according to the lunar months.
Q15: If the plot was taken with the intention of making a profit by selling it, will Zakat be obligatory on it or not? Answer: It will be obligatory.
Q16: When buying a plot, you did not intend to sell it, but if you intend to sell it later, is Zakat obligatory on it or not? Answer: It is not obligatory yet. Zakat is obligatory when it is sold and one year has elapsed on the amount.
Q17: Is there Zakat on a plot purchased for a residential house or not? no answer.
Q18: If the business of buying and selling plots is done and the plot is bought with the intention of selling, how will the tozko be paid? Answer: Zakat will be obligatory on their total current market value every year.
Q19: What is the ruling on Zakat on a rented house? Answer: Zakat will be obligatory on its rent when it reaches the syllabus.
Q20: Is there Zakat on the money set aside for Hajj or not? Answer: Zakat is obligatory. If the application is approved then Zakat is not obligatory.
Q21: If a person pays Zakat to someone and does not tell him or if he intends to give Zakat, will Zakat be paid or not? Answer: It will be paid.
Q22: The employee demanded extra salary and the employer increased it with the intention of Zakat. Did he pay Zakat or not? Answer: Zakat has not been paid.
Q23: Does paying Zakat pay Zakat? Answer: Zakat is not paid.
Q24: Can a husband and wife pay Zakat to their parents, their children, or to each other or not? no answer. Q25: Is it permissible to pay Zakat to those who have a syllabus? no answer.
Q26: Can he give Zakat to the family of the Prophet (Hashmi) or not? no answer. Q27: Is it permissible to pay Zakat to one's brother, sister, uncle, nephew, uncle or niece? Answer: It is permissible if they are deserving. Q28: Is it permissible to pay Zakat on the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), ie, the family of Ali, the family of Aqeel, the family of Ja'far, the family of Abbas and the family of Harith bin Abdul Muttalib? no answer.
Q29 Question: If Syed is poor and needy then how should he be served? Answer: From other funds besides Zakat and Sadaqat.
Q30: Why is Zakat not given to Sadat? Answer: Zakat is a combination of people's wealth.
Q31 Question: Is it permissible to pay Zakat to a non-Syed wife who is entitled to Zakat? Answer: Zakat can be given to him. Q32: Can a poor husband of a rich wife take Zakat from anyone other than his wife? Answer: Can take.
Q33: Can non-Muslims give Fitzah and Nafila charity? Answer: Zakat and Fitra cannot be given to non-Muslims. Yes! You can give naafil alms
Q34 Question: Is it permissible to pay Zakat in Arab schools or not? Answer: It is better because of the publication of religion.
Q35: Even the people who have the syllabus get Zakat by pretending to be poor. What is the ruling on this? Answer: It is haraam for them to take Zakat.
Q36 Question: Is it permissible to give a fixed share of Zakat to the recipient of the donation or not? Answer: Not permissible.
Q37: The earth is irrigated by rain water, so how much of it is obligatory to give in the way of Allah Almighty when the produce rises? Answer: One tenth. That is ten percent.
Q38 Question: If the land itself is irrigated, how much of its produce is obligatory to give in charity? Answer: Five percent.
Q39 Question: If Zakat is paid from one country's currency and sent to another country, then the payment of Zakat will be based on the currency of which country? Answer: Zakat was paid in the currency of the country.
Q40: Is it obligatory to pay Zakat on residential house, clothes, household goods, riding or not? no answer.
Q41 Question: Is it obligatory to pay Zakat on jewels like pearls, rubies, and jewels when they are not for trade? no answer. Zakat is obligatory for trade.
Q42: When will it be obligatory to pay Zakat? Answer: It is a condition of passing the lunar year on the syllabus.
Q43: If the syllabus is complete at the beginning of the year, then it decreases in the middle of the year but not less than the syllabus, then at the end of the year the syllabus is complete, then Zakat will be obligatory in it or not? Answer: It will be obligatory
Q44 Question: A person became the owner of the syllabus in the first year, in the middle of the year there was an increase in this wealth, an increase in trade, someone gave a gift or inherited wealth, in any case the wealth increased, now Zakat will be obligatory on the whole wealth or start Will it be obligatory on the wealth of the year? Answer: It will be obligatory on the entire property.
Q45: If a person gives alms of all his wealth and does not intend to pay Zakat on it, will Zakat be waived from him or not? Answer: It will be canceled.
Question: If a person owes a debt to a poor person and he forgives his obligation with the intention of Zakat, will the payment of Zakat be valid or not? Answer: Payment is not valid.
Q47 Question: In Zakat on gold and silver, should a piece of gold and silver be taken out of the weight or pay the price? Answer: There is an option.
Q48 Question: What is the name of the poor in the expenditure of Zakat? Answer: A person who owns less than the syllabus.
Q49: Who is called poor in spending of Zakat? Answer: One who does not own anything at all.
Q50: What are the agents in the expenditure of Zakat? Answer: It is a person who collects Zakat and Ushr and is appointed by the Islamic government. ۔
Q51: What are the debtors in Zakat expenses? Answer: This is a person who is indebted. After paying off his debt, he does not have a perfect curriculum. The problem of commercial debt is different.
Q52 Question: What is meant by traveler in spending Zakat? Answer: He who has wealth in his homeland, but his wealth has run out in the journey and there is no means of inviting him.
Q53: How much zakat money is correct to spend on a traveler? Answer: Only enough will be given for him to reach his homeland.
Q54 Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on all types of Zakat or is it permissible to spend it on one type only? Answer: Both are permissible.
Q55 Question: Is it permissible to pay Zakat to a kaafir or not? Answer: Not permissible.
Q56 Question: Is it permissible to pay Zakat to a rich person or not? Answer: Not permissible.
Q57 Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on wealth and children? Answer: Not permissible.
Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on the Bani Hashim and their slaves? Answer: Not permissible.
Question: Is it permissible for the owner of the syllabus to spend Zakat on his principle like father, grandfather, up to the top or not? Answer: Not permissible. Q60
Question: Is it permissible for the owner of the syllabus to spend Zakat on his branches like, son, grandson, down to the bottom or not? Answer: Not permissible. Q61
Question: Is it permissible for a husband to pay Zakat on his wife and not to pay Zakat on his wife? no answer.
Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on building a mosque or a madrassa or repairing a road or a bridge? Answer: Not permissible. Q63.
Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on shrouding the deceased or paying off the debt of the deceased? Answer: Not permissible.
Q64: Is it permissible to pay Zakat without ownership? no answer.
Q65: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on one's relatives and then on one's neighbors? Answer: Better.
Q66 Question: Is it correct to give Zakat to a person according to the full syllabus or not? Answer: Makrooh is degrading, that is, not good, but neither is sin.
Q67: Is it makrooh for a debtor to spend more than the syllabus to pay off his debts? Answer: Not disgusting.
Q68: What is it like to transfer Zakat from one place to another without any need? Answer: It is disgusting.
Q69. Question: What is it like to transfer Zakat to your relatives? Answer: It is not makrooh. Q70: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on building a mosque or a madrassa or repairing a road or a bridge? Answer: Not permissible. Q71 Question: A person who is not entitled to zakat, but he wants to become a doctor, can zakat be given to him? Answer: It can be helped by charity. Q72 Question: If zakat is given to a poor non-Muslim, will it be paid or not? the answer:
Zakat will not be paid. Q73: Can the amount of zakat be given to your deserving zakat brother? Answer: Can be given. Q74 Question: Can a person who is entitled to Zakat pay Zakat to his cousin, uncle, cousin or his nephew? Answer: Yes. Q75: Will the sale price of gold be valid or the purchase price for paying Zakat? Answer: The market price of the sale. Q76 Question: Will zakat on gold be based on current price or at the time of purchase? Answer: The current price will be valid. Q77 Question: Can a person who is entitled to zakat spend on his nephew's education?
Answer: Yes. But it should be given to him so that he becomes the owner. Q78 Question: Is it obligatory to pay Zakat on the property of a minor son or daughter? Answer: No. Q79 Question: Can I pay the monthly salary of the imam or muezzin of the mosque with zakat or not? no answer. Q80: Can a girl pay Zakat to her parents? no answer. Q81 Question: Can the person giving the meat of the voluntary charity use it himself? Answer: Yes. Q82 Question: Is it permissible to give the meat of obligatory alms like vows etc.? no answer. Q83 Question: To the superintendent or nazim of the madrassa who the students are
Zakat can be paid? Answer: It can be given. It is better. Q84 Question: The value of the place where the zakat payer is present or the value of the place where the property is available? For example: the property is in Saudi Arabia and the man is in Karachi. Answer: The value of the place where the property is located is valid. Fatwa Q85 Answer: No. It is necessary to make a poor person the owner, otherwise Zakat will not be paid.