Can't women observe I'tikaf at home? اعتکاف


Can't women observe I'tikaf at home?


the answer

It is Sunnah for women to observe I'tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadan and it is a source of reward. It is makrooh for women to observe I'tikaaf in the mosque. Is special and designated for, and for women this special place is like a mosque for men. I should put a chador or bed etc. and allocate a place, then do i'tikaaf in that place, and that place will be in the ruling of the mosque in favor of the woman. According to the Hanafi Imams.


According to Hanafi jurists, it is not only permissible for women to observe i'tikaaf in the mosque of the house, but it is better. However, if a woman observes I'tikaaf in the Shari'ah mosque (when there is complete observance of the veil and other Shari'ah rules), then I'tikaaf will take place, but it is makrooh. Because the present age is a time of sedition and disorder, there is a strong fear of mixing with men in mosques, immorality is also common. Therefore, in the present day, just as it is makrooh tahrimi for women to come to the mosque for prayers, so it is makrooh tahrimi to observe i'tikaaf in the mosque.

The argument of the Hanafis (may Allah have mercy on them) is: I'tikaaf is an act of worship that is special to the mosque, and for women the house mosque is just like the mosque for men, that is why you are in the mosque. In spite of the virtue of the reward of the congregation, women were preferred to offer prayers at home, and the mosque of their house was given the status of the mosque of prayer, and it was preferred to offer their prayers inside the house. Hazrat Umm Hameed (may Allah be pleased with her) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: I like to pray with you.

He said: Your hobby (and religious fervor) is very good, but your prayer in the inner room is better than the prayer in the room, and the prayer in the room is better than the prayer in the house, and the prayer in the house. The prayer of the mosque of the neighborhood is better than the prayer of my mosque (Masjid-e-Nabawi). So Hazrat Umm Hameed Saadi (may Allah be pleased with her) ordered to build a mosque (place of prayer) in the last corner of her room where it was darkest. And they came before their God. "

Therefore, when the place allotted for prayers in the house is in the ruling of the mosque in the matter of prayers in their favor, the same is in the rule of the mosque in the matter of I'tikaaf. Equal to keep.


Shams al-Imam al-Surkhsi (deceased: 483 AH) says:

There is a hadith that when he intended to observe I'tikaaf, he ordered a tent to be pitched in the mosque, a tent was pitched for him in the mosque, then when he entered the mosque he saw many more tents there. He asked, "Whose are these?" He was told that they belonged to Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) and Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with her). Many books of hadiths are mentioned in brief and in detail. In some narrations, Hazrat Zainab Razi is also mentioned. Then he ordered all the tents to be removed. , And did not observe I'tikaaf in this decade.

When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) disliked I'tikaaf in the mosque for them (spouses), despite the fact that in those days women used to come to the mosque for congregational prayers, they would be prohibited in the first place.

Especially when in the time of Hazrat Umar (RA) women were not allowed to enter the mosque in the presence of all the Companions (RA), and Hazrat Ayesha (RA) herself said that if there was Holy Prophet (SAW) today, Stopping, Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was aware of her temperament, she was understanding that due to the change of circumstances and environment, she also did not like women coming to the mosque.

This description is related to Masnoon I'tikaf.

As far as performing Nafili I'tikaaf at home for a woman is concerned, women can perform Nafili I'tikaaf in their homes in addition to Masnoon I'tikaaf at the place designated for prayers, ie as long as they have their I'tikaaf (the place designated for I'tikaaf). I will stay, they will continue to get the reward of I'tikaf.

However, it should be kept in mind that it is necessary for a married woman to get permission from her husband to sit in Masnoon or Nafili I'tikaaf. Mufti Gangohi R.a says:



The jurists also write itahab (Sunnah) for women in the mosque of the house. Its quantity also indicates that it is one hour. That is, whenever he comes to offer prayers (at the mosque or mosque of the house), he should make the intention of I'tikaaf. (Malfozaat, 1/2)



Question: Will I'tikaaf of a woman at home be supererogatory or Sunnah?

The answer is good

She can also perform naafil i'tikaaf and sunnah. Only Allah knows best.

بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع (2/ 113):


That is, they used to observe I'tikaaf in their homes. Therefore, it has already been mentioned (in the second hadith mentioned above) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not like to observe I'tikaaf in his mosque.

مرقاة المفاتيح شرح مشكاة المصابيح (4/ 1446)


فقط واللہ اعلم

دارالافتاء : جامعہ علوم اسلامیہ علامہ محمد یوسف بنوری ٹاؤن


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